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First Timer Gym 101: Surviving the Jungle In The Gym

by Lona Thomas



An environment so unreal you have only heard about it or seen it on TV. The clinking of metal against each other, the thumping of feet on the treadmill, that Hulk-like guy hogging the mirror roaring to demand attention as he does his last rep and of course the smell of fresh sweat in the air are among the things you will encounter on your first day. All of this can be entertaining but overwhelming at the same time. Here are some pointers on how to survive your first month in the jungle at the gym.


Do not negatively compare yourself to the person on the treadmill next to you running at 20km/hour on incline, while you are strolling at 6km/hour. If you do not have a gym partner or trainer, create your own zone where you will take each day as it comes. Get someone who is knowledgeable on fitness and weightloss to draw up a programme for you which clearly maps out the road to your goal.

Always carry a water bottle. You lose a large amount of water through sweating and that water needs to be replaced or you will be dehydrated and feel light-headed. Drink water in intervals during your exercise.

Your kitchen swab is not a towel!!! As absurd as it may seem, since I started being a gym-rat in Feb 2014, I have witnessed more than once, a person using a kitchen swab to wipe his face. A proper hand towel at PEP Stores costs no more than R40. Invest in one.


Wipe your sweat off after using gym equipment. This is part of basic gym etiquette – hygiene. Also, just to be on the safe side, wipe equipment before using it.

Rather go for a size bigger when buying gym clothes. You wouldn’t want your undergarments exposed due to your brand new tights giving in during aerobics class. Also, being comfortable is key in executing an exercise correctly.

Do not stare! Yes, that hulk-like guy’s shoulders may look like he is smuggling grapefruits but do not stare. If he makes eye contact, smile and walk away. Save yourself.


You will encounter “wolves” and “beasts” at the gym. Worry not. Those are just terms gym-rats use to unleash the power within to kill their workout i.e “Beast mode”. Also, these are just merely alter egos.

Ask questions. You do not know what you don’t know. The fitness instructors and assistants are employed to answer even the most stupid question. You could be saving yourself from an injury.


Even when you do not feel like working-out, just go either way. Try new exercises. The only way you will learn and reach your goals is getting out of your comfort zone. Also, the body builds resistance against repetitive, flat-lined exercises. Push yourself!

Have fun. Taking the bold step to join a gym, especially if you are a person who has a low self-esteem may be daunting at first but once you stop making it a task and rather a way to end your day on a high note, you will start to have fun.

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